Saturday, 24 July 2010

Sent:Sat 7/24/10 10:27 PM
Attachments: 1 attachment
IMG_3738.JPG (2.3 MB)

I don’t seem to be able to find a “Ienex” camera. Sure you got the spelling right? I can’t even find anything similar. A Leica lens is one I know. I seriously thought that these were downloaded from a professional shoot until I saw pictures of the “crew” and realized that they couldn’t be. I love photography, and you certainly seem to have an eye for composition. One of mine attached from a recent trip to Jordan.


just some up dates as to the responses : so there will be a few..

From: paul.
To: upyourear
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 12:27:55 -0700
Subject: RE: inquiring minds wanna know!!


Great photos! What type of camera are you shooting with??


well as u all wait with bated breath for my next up date, Today sucked, it was hot, an muggy as i had predicted, but not nearly as bad as last weekend, it was so fucking hot i thought i was wrapped in a wet heating blanket.. i went with my smile on, all set up, early, 6 am, i was up coffeed and set up.. went well, even put all the jewelry out before coming back to change and get crew up and ready...

that was the most successful part of my day..!
oh no.. the crew actually got themselves together well, but we forgot the legos, that would be the doom of my day!! along with a few other things.. like madeline wont get out of her chair with her book, which she succumbs to reading again, as we r on the road, no library! the last book was $20. bucks she may read that all summer.. how dreadful.. she read an 800 pg book in 4 days, at that rate we will surely have to give up ice cream!!

andres found snails, and played with them the day long, and after the late afternoon rain , wasn't completely right about the weather, played with bottle tops in the river formed down the street curb behind my booth. As they were just dreadful,, this was a highlight, to laughing children, at last.. Miss madeline was most difficult today..

It was like pulling teeth, would better put these tools to better use! i cheerfully said hi have u seen these earrings before? with the most enthusiasm but as i saw the crowd, wondered would a little lower tone work? no not today, tried it all, it was just one of those days, where between the customers and saying "stop that" to the crew, it was just not going to go..

just so u know this is not a vacation.. i might seem to have fun but i never loose sight of the goal..

ah it is what it is, tomorrows another day .. amen to that..

and btw.. the moon is so beautiful tonight in the haze of the rained day. if these people would ever go to sleep.. dear god..

be blessed .. i know i am.. just one of those days..

thank god for tomorrow..

my friends..

with all our love and frustration, like u can't imagine!

andrea and crew...

Friday, 23 July 2010

Haven't had anything to say in days and feel inspired to write again..

Here in the the great town of Tonawanda.. i sit in a parking lot of the Auto Zone, where they blessed us with a parking space, for my favorite 4 letter word, FREE, not the one i use the most though!! oh well.. seems to be a trend these days to say fuck a lot!

ok back to Auto Zone, where i sit in the far corner as close to the street as imaginable, where incredibly loud motorcycles reeve by, oh dear, god. what i will do for a buck!

i noticed the clearing sky and the high cirrus and determined the weather will be fine tomorrow, hot, muggy, most likely, i'm praying for a breeze!! wearing this nice little black t-shirt dress my mom gave me, a year ago.. looks a lot better on me than it did last year! what premenistion( can't spell this even for the dictionary, i quit) mom!

it's been quiet tonite, few call, texts, and we have a signal on the dish.. after we were in a cave of trees over the past 3 days. so thrilled to catch hanna montana, i carly, and a little sponge bob!!

do i know how to have fun or what!!.. it's quiet as long as one can ignore to doppy men in a nest, with a bird on his head!! ok got the picture.. smiling,

... thank u all.. in every way for ur support and readership! who knows what i might say next!

bon soir mon amies,

just us

andrea and crew
well here i sit, in a town i don't know...near Buffalo, N.Y Tonawanda, was actually here many yrs ago, didn't do particularly well then but need to give it another shot, was here in the area anyway, and at the last min there was an opening. as it turned out Cassie sent me an e-mail saying there as this town called Lilydale, and that we should go there, not far from here, evidently a meeting place for spiritualists, mediums, and the believers of such things. Having already had an experience with mom, it seemed to be put in our path for some reason or another.. so as i always put some adventures into the trip, this seemed like one to try.. and so we went, Lily dale is a town that got started 131 years ago around 1847.. love old historical places, i have always been somehow transformed and feel i go back in time. can imagine the people of the day... and this place attracted people of the belief that we never die, that we continue to live on in maybe another dimension. i certainly can say that after my mother passing, the only person i've ever known to die in my life time, that as i watched her slowly leave her state of spirit from, body to the other side, i saw her speak to people on the other side, and complain about visitors, that i was unawares of, and some of the visitors.. ie: the policeman and the Chaplin, along with her important meeting with the chief, and of course her chat with the compassionate lady in the sparkly dress.. and the day she informed me she had 2 sponsors.. well i might have certainly believed this for anyone else, but not me, and there it was.. all for me to take in, while i lead a sleepless 9 weeks to watch my mother finally slip into the other side painlessly, as i was a relentless drug lord of morphine, and finally methadone, the ultimate killer.. (Trained assin!!) i had heard her tell me a few things, in my mind, and went to reconfirm to her i'd heard her, at which time 2 days before her passing she spoke not a word, and as i reiterated her message i looked at her to find tears roll like Niagra from her beautiful blue eyes.. just the beginning of an everlasting love, and that we'd keep in touch, if only by thought.

Hey i don't here any other voices, in fact don't hear a voice at all, just a message, transformed into something i understand..we received many messages in this magical place, open to the possibilities, when we first arrived, it was as if while walking around town we were invisible, even said hi to people that didn't seem to notice, just thought they weren't too friendly, even asked madeline the next day, do u think they see us? we walked all over the town, up and down tiny streets of old , old homes with charming little yards and flowers i'd never seen before, and colors more vibrant than could be photographed, i tried, just could not capture their beauty. or their actual color, and i fucked with every setting, just could not get a picture i would be satisfied with, until... the night we took the spirit walk, i took random pix but the one that seemed most perplexing was of a painting of a girl, she took my breath away, these paintings are said to have been precipitated spirit paintings, the Bang sisters and Campbell brothers were the ones said to have put the canvas there. much to learn about this subject.. in any event, there r not detectable brush strokes. so these r the kinds of paintings where he eyes follow u, right? so i was shooting her from all different angles to show the point. and this one photo i will have to find a way to post here so u all can see it ... woooo.. ok .. cant wait to print it.. I', gonna blow it up as large as possible and frame it..i would like to go back and shoot some more maybe next week for a couple of days while there's children's week. the medium i meet with was not reading me, so i don't know why i bothered, thought i might be a good hairdresser, i don't, or an astrologer, nah.. she picked up on people around me i had no idea who they were. but there were many other experiences that occurred simply because of where we were, and on top of that the crew found some great kids to play with and adventure through town with, in this little Paradise, from the past.

so for now , back to the laundry, to fold, and then off to Tonawanda for the next leg of this up coming, promised to rain, fucking weekend! should be nicer on sunday, but sat looks like a washout, (a lot of laundry lingo huh?!) be well my friends, and do keep me posted on how u r doing especially those that r out here with me on this journey of life and all it has to promise.. living today as we r not promised tomorrow.. fortunately i'm counting on it, and the rain, but then again since when do the weather people get it right, only people who can keep a job and get it right about 50% of the time. ha..

Andrea and crew