Isn't is amazing how a film could last so long in a camera without disintegrating!
Fantastic photos taken 68 years ago. Some of you will have to go to a museum to see what a Brownie camera looked like......
Here is a simple picture of what we are talking about. . .
These photos are absolutely incredible.... what quality from 1941! Read below the first picture and at the end...
Pearl Harbor photos found in an old Brownie stored in a foot locker of A SAILOR WHO WAS ON THE USS QUAPAW ATF-11O, and just recently taken to be developed.
PEARL HARBOR ,December 7th, 1941
Pearl Harbor
On Sunday, December 7th, 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack against the U.S. Forces stationed at Pearl Harbor , Hawaii By planning this attack on a Sunday, the Japanese commander Admiral Nagumo, hoped to catch the entire fleet in port. As luck would have it, the Aircraft Carriers and one of the Battleships were not in port. (The USS Enterprise was returning from Wake Island , where it had just delivered some aircraft. The USS Lexington was ferrying aircraft to Midway, and the USS Saratoga and USS Colorado were undergoing repairs in the United States .)
In spite of the latest intelligence reports about the missing aircraft carriers (his most important targets), Admiral Nagumo decided to continue the attack with his force of six carriers and 423 aircraft. At a range of 230 miles north of Oahu , he launched the first wave of a two-wave attack. Beginning at 0600 hours his first wave consisted of 183 fighters and torpedo bombers which struck at the fleet in Pearl Harbor and the airfields in Hickam, Kaneohe and Ewa. The second strike, launched at 0715 hours, consisted of 167 aircraft, which again struck at the same targets.
At 0753 hours the first wave consisting of 40 Nakajima B5N2 'Kate' torpedo bombers, 51 Aichi D3A1 'Val' dive bombers, 50 high altitude bombers and 43 Zeros struck airfields and Pearl Harbor Within the next hour, the second wave arrived and continued the attack.
When it was over, the U.S. Losses were:
US Army: 218 KIA, 364 WIA.
US Navy: 2,008 KIA, 710 WIA.
US MarineCorp: 109 KIA, 69 WIA.
Civilians: 68 KIA, 35 WIA.
TOTAL: 2,403 KIA, 1,178 WIA.
USS Arizona (BB-39) - total loss when a bomb hit her magazine.
USS Oklahoma (BB-37) - Total loss when she capsized and sunk in the harbor.
USS California (BB-4 4) - Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired.
USS West Virginia (BB-48) - Sunk at her berth. Later raised and repaired.
USS Nevada - (BB-36) Beached to prevent sinking. Later repaired.
USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) - Light damage.
USS Maryland (BB-46) - Light damage.
USS Tennessee (BB-43) Light damage.
USS Utah (AG-16) - (former battleship used as a target) - Sunk.
USS New Orleans (CA-32) - Light Damage..
USS San Francisco (CA-38) - Light Damage.
USS Detroit (CL-8) - Light Damage.
USS Raleigh (CL-7) - Heavily damaged but repaired.
USS Helena (CL-50) - Light Damage.
USS Honolulu (CL-48) - Light Damage..
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USS Downes (DD-375) - Destroyed. Parts salvaged.
USS Cassin - (DD -3 7 2) Destroyed. Parts salvaged.
USS Shaw (DD-373) - Very heavy damage.
USS Helm (DD-388) - Light Damage.
USS Ogala (CM-4) - Sunk but later raised and repaired.
Seaplane Tender
USS Curtiss (AV-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired.
Repair Ship
USS Vestal (AR-4) - Severely damaged but later repaired.
Harbor Tug
USS Sotoyomo (YT-9) - Sunk but later raised and repaired.
188 Aircraft destroyed (92 USN and 92 U.S. Army Air Corps.)
. . . . . . . Share this with your Loved ones of ALL ages...Elderly will remember, Young will be Awed.
this was my response to this e-mail i received this week early on maybe monday..
To Peter:
Hey there, when i saw these pix the other day i thought of u, as a photographer, and the Foundation, though loosely, related.
when i was 26 or so i went to hawaii with a friend, for 5 days, i loved it so when it came the day before we were to leave, we sat on the beach and cried, how we didn't want to leave, so i went to the travel agency, and begged them to find us a room anywhere for at least 2 more days.. did some reconnaissance that weekend to find the flea market bustling, as soon as i returned stateside i went directly back to the travel agency and booked another trip for a month later, i went by myself that time, and for 2 weeks, at the time , ok, don't laugh, but i was selling blue blocker sunglasses like there wasn't tomorrow, so i loaded up a suit case of sunglasses, and another with a swim suit, sandals, a few dresses, and off I returned to heaven on earth, hawaii. between selling on sat, sun, and wed. i had plenty of time to kill at the beaches. on one rainy day, i took advantage of the weather, and went to Pearl Harbor, by myself, in those days i did a lot of things by myself, i watched the film, at the museum, and then we took a shuttle out to the Arizona. I can not describe the feeling, other than it stayed with me a life time. i could feel the moment, with a strange calm, from those remaining, buried in the sea grave, it was very powerful, and i was not the only one. A japanese man bumped into me, and as he turned to me, he looked directly into my eyes, and with the deepest meaning, apologized, for what might have been for bumping into me, but that was not at all what he meant.. I have never forgotten that moment. as though it were yesterday. When i saw the pix the memories came flooding in. They are really quiet something. Our gateway to entering the war, wwII . I have enjoyed being able to be a part of history by visiting these kinds of places all my life.. and as many historic places as i could put in my travel agenda, through the years.. i thought u might appreciate, as i know u too will. ah with a Minuit before the "Bell" i must run to get the crew up and ready for school..
hope u are all well,
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Let me add in the events that we have all shared now as of yesterday, the earthquake, in of all places Japan, and with that 68 years, having now become but water under the bridge, i salute, us as humans for be able to move onward, forward, and with forgiveness, look here we go again, the world, sending out ships of supplies,and rescuers to japan, and i am filled with pride, not to be an american, but to be a member of humanity. That we can move forward and reach out a loving hand, and be there again for another that so needs.. I was totally engulfed in the news yesterday, as i haven't been in what seems a long time, as T.V and the news has been on hold, for me.. I found much too much going on in my life to have time for the News, politics, or religion, Just wanted to focus on being the best i can be, without that, as a distraction..but there i was tucked in way early for me, fell asleep, to be awakened by a friends phone call whilst i'd left the t.v on . within seconds of our conversation there it was Breaking news.. a huge earthquake had rocked the country of Japan.. only closer, having moved to california, and it's inevitable earthquake state, to come someday.. making it a much more scary event. And then on top of it, the tsunami, which washed away a town and everyone and thing in its path.. the best broadcast was from the BBC, when a british reporter, had the courage to say just that, People were in that swell of water, not just cars and trucks homes and debris, but people.. oh how devastating, as we now wait for the stories of survivors, the only way we can cope with the losses here on our planet, like the Star wars movie when OB 1 kanbe said, I feel a loss in the force, when alduran had been destroyed.. by darth vader, strange analysis, but one i felt, deep with in my soul.. a great many lives lost, like that of 2004, when that horrid earthquake and tsunami came and washed away 250,000 people.. Yet in a strange way, though less lives lost, a huge loss none the less.. A highly developed country, brought to a dead stop, without electricity, transportation, clean water, sanitary conditions, and the threat of the nuclear power plant, becoming an added threat..
much less the interesting facts of how a tsunami works which i filled my brain with information, and as friends called in yesterday, described what and how the whole thing works, as it rolled across 5000 miles of the pacific to actually hit the U.S., and its effects here, 9 hours later, traveling at 500 miles per hour.. to boom, hit the coastal waters of california, fortunately not as bad as japan, but never the less, quiet a mess, and don't let me not forget Hawaii.. which got a rush of water upon it's shores, though interestingly enough, not pearl harbor, come to think of it.. right? wow..
I watched, just now, on the news a video, of the ships, in formation, on their way to Japan, and got the chills, as i thought how truly amazing we are as a people, To be able to forgive and move on.. as we do in our lives, with relationships in general. How we find forgiveness, for others and ourselves. To then find, great happiness, through the tears of loss, and what that all means..never giving up, to constantly be able to move towards trust itself, again, in ourselves and in others. maybe that ability to forget, is how we manage to be better people, friends, neighbors, lovers, parents, children, Humans.. frail, yet strong all at the same time.. Truly fantastic.. And life goes on.. It will..
better for what we give, and what we accept from those that give, to receive, is, as important. and to accept both the ying and yang of it all!! balance and boundaries.. again..
I will post the photos my friend Simona sent to me, and how it played in the roll of my blog.. this fine day with the milky skies above, as i look forward to a day with the crew, and leave my reeling mind of swirling thoughts, a rest today!!
with all my love to those that keep reading, and my best to those who are on their way to Japan, and to those that have such losses, makes the little things in life that much smaller.. but not dismissed entirely..
Andrea and crew, my always, inspiration!!