It is midnight soon on the east coast, i sit and imagine only three weeks ago, i was there, now on PST time..
my feet hit the ground on monday, i started to work, what for weeks, seeming like months, i couldn't focus 'till i worked a plan.. A & B for my mom's sake.. still working on B!!
onto my website, it's being completed in days, as if we have what it costs to do so.. what a bitch to struggle as an artist, where are those supporters!! like so many other got.. i've been blessed in many ways to countable to mention.. It is up to me to make Up Your Ear the success i want, and as well carry on my other artistic endeavors.. i eat, drink, and sleep this.. i may have a thousand other distractions, relationships, and goings on, but this is my one main goal.. i must do art, in it's many aspects, the writing, the painting.. and photography.. sometimes i feel like taking pictures, other times, i want to write.. Right now, i want my website in order, before i lose the christmas orders, this has been in the works since january.. really.. when u fund everything ur self and just make ends meet.. it gets tuffer.. it's the way it is..
you know if i could make a wish, as far as business is concerned,, I wish someone could see the potential i see in this earring biz of mine.. i know, with the right help, i could take this to the top.. happily sell it, run the co.. designs and so forth, and move on.. but without that realization, it's just another show, I love the travel, but it seems a waste of time, just a means to an end, if this is not the international earring co. it should be.. with true capital, and good guidance.... this really could be huge, no better than now, with this pathetic economy, how do u think the Vanderbelts made it, right.. shit.. during the depression.. and if ur buying this recession story think again.. well i'm Cranking none the less, and i worked a little carnival here in town, put on by the L.A P.D. on Pico, and La Cieniga, went for the connections and got a little more than groceries for the week.. but the connections, which is why i went, came strolling in, working some fashion show.. hum at the grove, for breast cancer awareness, 2pm sunday nov 21st Walk for Breast Cancer III, Johnny Rockets and after party, i will not, sadly attend, i have the crew, at the Sofiel Hotel, hosted by David Harrison Levi, some guru of the stars.. Known as the Star Maker..looks more like he attracts stars rather than make them.. whatever this is hollywood..
and as for my other endeavors.. keep posted.. i shall let u in.. lots to do..
and the love u make,
thinking of a beatle's song.. i'll post
be it well i find u
andrea and crew..