Saturday, 26 February 2011
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Violet flowers

Violet flowers, so vibrant, stole me away,
I thought it couldn't happen, not to me,
this less than sunny day, I stopped, I held my breath, it is true.
I could here them speak to me, of love, their deepest violet shouting to me,
hello, my field of energy bright, even in the artificial light of the store,
you're potted, confined roots, petals glowed.
I felt you, heard you call to me, notice me, love me...
for if nothing else this brief moment. it is all we may be given.
I stopped to bask in your beauty, for that moment.
knowing all the while you are just an annual
I may take you home, plant you, water you, but in the end, your petals will fall off,
and nothing but the stems will remain, that held you up to the light of the sunshine,
which made you grow so beautiful.
and i am filled with the joy of knowing you,
if for only in passing.
To be or not to be
Ah I wonder what will come to mind this week as I sit to write, my journey, as I continue down this road. Maybe it's due to valentines that love stories surrounded my month, one friend re-found love, while 2 friends i know lost a love, another 2 friends lost a friend, all together. dang, what a week, or month this has been.
I want to write something profound but as I sit, the sun beaming in on my left arm as I day dream out the window, hardly a thought comes to mind, just thoughts, fleeting though my brain, hard to catch as one comes and leaves, and then is replaced with yet another, going round in circles, like a carousel, the horses, like my thoughts bobbing up and down as they spin round and round..
All the joy for one friend, while we sit to find out, well this be a charm, for them as it wasn't for the others, not mentioned.
I've been a firm believer that no one person can make you happy, that we are all responsible for our happiness, yet why is it when someone special comes into your perfectly happy life, one finds even more happiness? what is it about that other entity that brings out such joy, ones cup Runneth over? who can explain that one? why is it the sound of a friends voice can bring such comfort, even giddiness to what was already a fine day. making it that much better, and once it's gone, a void, unfulfillable, temporarily, i can only hope for my latter friends, Miss Augustine and Sir Lance. The names have been changed to protect the guilty!! ...Hahaha
Last summer I learned of balance and boundaries, seemingly a long process to grasp, for us all, it is difficult to draw that line at times when what isn't really right, feels so good that one chooses, what feels so good, over what is right to do, and at some point, the inevitable must be. This is what makes for great love stories, great poems, songs, and art in all it's forms, that longing, that embrace, we allow ourselves even when the road takes a curve, and the why "Y" in the road comes up suddenly, and choices must be made. we could all hope that at that point theres a stop sign, so we can pause a moment, look both left and right, check our GPS and find which way is best, not necessarily the short cut, on this journey, but the best road, which will be paved with happiness, fewer pot holes, to navigate. undoubtedly there should be those wonderful rolling hills that when you step on the accelerator, you get that thrill in your stomach, as one flies down the one hill and up the next, i just love that!! better than any ride at disney, because, you, yourself, are the operator, not some person behind the controls, deciding how fast, or slow the ride goes, or when it will, in truth be over, always to soon, life is amusing and a park but not an amusement park! or is it?
This ride, is the most special, the road has bumps, and bridges, over passes, tunnels, (of love) Rain dampen streets, the glare of the morning sun in your eyes on your way to whats to be. when we pause, at a triangular yellow yield sign, in the shadow of a weeping willow, shading us from the bright sun, to let our eyes open to what the road shall bring, so that we can acknowledge we are loved and have and do love..
For my dearest friends with whom I think of today, the joy of finding love again, the sadness of losing a love, or the loss of a great friend, who's left us, but with fine memories, That be the joy we find, in the everyday mundane, as we stroll through the grocery store isles, and find on the shelf, some special spread we'd never heard of once, now a must on the list, like lemon curd to put on a perfect piece of toast. keep your eyes open for the signs, as we pass them by, to be yet reminded of that moment, when a smile came out of no where, and the thought of that friend who put it there. ( oh god, get the box of tissues)
There are times when we leave our destination, and drive to where we are determined to go without noticing all the route we are on, and find ourselves where we were headed having not noticed a single thing along the road, as thoughts swirl through our minds. Today as I put the laundry together, I will think of all the laundry-mats I have spent time in over the months on the road, and remember some surprisingly happy thoughts!! Thats the least i can do, how about you?
May the Sunshine find it's way to you all, on this yet, another fine day.
With all my love, and tight embrace, I leave you this week, my thoughts..
Andrea and crew
I want to write something profound but as I sit, the sun beaming in on my left arm as I day dream out the window, hardly a thought comes to mind, just thoughts, fleeting though my brain, hard to catch as one comes and leaves, and then is replaced with yet another, going round in circles, like a carousel, the horses, like my thoughts bobbing up and down as they spin round and round..
All the joy for one friend, while we sit to find out, well this be a charm, for them as it wasn't for the others, not mentioned.
I've been a firm believer that no one person can make you happy, that we are all responsible for our happiness, yet why is it when someone special comes into your perfectly happy life, one finds even more happiness? what is it about that other entity that brings out such joy, ones cup Runneth over? who can explain that one? why is it the sound of a friends voice can bring such comfort, even giddiness to what was already a fine day. making it that much better, and once it's gone, a void, unfulfillable, temporarily, i can only hope for my latter friends, Miss Augustine and Sir Lance. The names have been changed to protect the guilty!! ...Hahaha
Last summer I learned of balance and boundaries, seemingly a long process to grasp, for us all, it is difficult to draw that line at times when what isn't really right, feels so good that one chooses, what feels so good, over what is right to do, and at some point, the inevitable must be. This is what makes for great love stories, great poems, songs, and art in all it's forms, that longing, that embrace, we allow ourselves even when the road takes a curve, and the why "Y" in the road comes up suddenly, and choices must be made. we could all hope that at that point theres a stop sign, so we can pause a moment, look both left and right, check our GPS and find which way is best, not necessarily the short cut, on this journey, but the best road, which will be paved with happiness, fewer pot holes, to navigate. undoubtedly there should be those wonderful rolling hills that when you step on the accelerator, you get that thrill in your stomach, as one flies down the one hill and up the next, i just love that!! better than any ride at disney, because, you, yourself, are the operator, not some person behind the controls, deciding how fast, or slow the ride goes, or when it will, in truth be over, always to soon, life is amusing and a park but not an amusement park! or is it?
This ride, is the most special, the road has bumps, and bridges, over passes, tunnels, (of love) Rain dampen streets, the glare of the morning sun in your eyes on your way to whats to be. when we pause, at a triangular yellow yield sign, in the shadow of a weeping willow, shading us from the bright sun, to let our eyes open to what the road shall bring, so that we can acknowledge we are loved and have and do love..
For my dearest friends with whom I think of today, the joy of finding love again, the sadness of losing a love, or the loss of a great friend, who's left us, but with fine memories, That be the joy we find, in the everyday mundane, as we stroll through the grocery store isles, and find on the shelf, some special spread we'd never heard of once, now a must on the list, like lemon curd to put on a perfect piece of toast. keep your eyes open for the signs, as we pass them by, to be yet reminded of that moment, when a smile came out of no where, and the thought of that friend who put it there. ( oh god, get the box of tissues)
There are times when we leave our destination, and drive to where we are determined to go without noticing all the route we are on, and find ourselves where we were headed having not noticed a single thing along the road, as thoughts swirl through our minds. Today as I put the laundry together, I will think of all the laundry-mats I have spent time in over the months on the road, and remember some surprisingly happy thoughts!! Thats the least i can do, how about you?
May the Sunshine find it's way to you all, on this yet, another fine day.
With all my love, and tight embrace, I leave you this week, my thoughts..
Andrea and crew
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