Saturday, 23 October 2010

I have a lot to say.. now that's novel isn't.. it! so funny i spend so much time texting when i sit to write on the computer keys i can't find the exclamation key.. it's to the right in the phone, and top left here on the computer..

I awaken to soft clean sheets, some of my mom's old sheets, soft firm.. not those mushy 1000 thread count ones they claim r so wonderful.. with a million pillows.. a hole in the sheets, and a few ink spots.. for those that new my mother u would only get how funny that is, in my inheirited california king.. the size of my entire coach..

like waking up in a five star hotel..everything.. so beautiful, clean.. neat too.. of course i had to make my own coffee, as usual, but it still feels like, a self service, 5 star hotel.....

I pulled it out over 600 miles.. when i awoke yesterday having written here, i then went to check the van for what might be the last time upon this road trip.. dam.. the battery was dead!! no battery, no auxiliary breaks, and then the hood wouldn't open.. i tried desperately to get it to unlatch but.. i'd take a fair guess the cable that pulls the latch is broken.. i got out my awning rod, and started to fool around with the latch, and finally got it to unhook so as to get to the battery, i'd jumped a few times before.. to say the least.. of course the battery was so dead the quick jump wouldn't cut it.. so out i took the slow charger, plugged it into the motorhome and attached the clamps positive and neg.... and now sit and wait.. i had gotten up so early i should have been able to get a going much earlier.. now a slight delay.. had a chat with a fellow rv'er, heads up on my journey west, the the long hill as i'd leave willcox.. reaching the top to find keep my eyes open for some amazing rock formations, best in this part of the country, john insisted.. and with our chat short and sweet my battery charged, we took off for the days drive not knowing whether we'd make it all the way to L.A today.. along the road, the billboards, one advertising "The Thing", what could it be? for what seemed like a hundred miles, every 10 or twenty, another with some intriguing comment about this mysterious THING found in the desert... as i pulled off for diesel again, it was there we found our selves where of all things was the place the THING COULD BE FOUND.. What could it be, the card reader was down on the pump so i was forced to go inside the place.. smooth move.. not like any gas station store i'd seen anywhere along the trip, in 16 weeks.. lots of odds and ends souvenir.. type items of every kind indian, mexican, western.. u name it.. and the huge sign inviting us to view the THING .. ok i asked, so what is the thing.. right.. oh u must see it one woman behind the counter insisted, and for $1. for adults and $.75 for kids who could resist.. i filled the tank, parked the coach, put some nice shoes on and in we went to find this out.. pictures to follow.. a collection of antiques that would blow ur mind, a museum of their personal collection of cars, phonogragh, items of torture, a car said to been driven by hitler.. fuck.. this home schooling thing a wondrous THING indeed.. Then a stroll through the gift styled store, found a pistol for andres cowboy costume.. a buck and a half.. who can resist that.. and a fab pair of indian style boots for madeline..

If i have complained my name has been called way to often, only madeline would know how it feels... we spoke in unison many a times yesterday, YES ANDRES multitudes of times.. till we were hysterical with laughter, Madeline, mom, madeline mom.. madeline mom.. yes Andres!!!!

and more miles, the road streaming under the tires, many blindly passing.. my mind in thought.. my summer, Madelines excitement in getting home.. my feeling i was not going home, my home.. where i'd hardly acclimated before i'd left for this long trip.. finding this all a bit hard to believe.. calls coming in where are u, how much further.. what time might u make it.. will u make it..figuring at an average speed of 70 mph.. that should put me in town about 8:30pm.. in the parking lot where i can park my coach 2 miles from the apt.. my apt.. huh.. my apt..

arizona, and finally the boarder.. California.. crossing the colorado river, and the fruit inspection place, so this is an agricultural inspection, so we'd already gathered up our few fruits, 7 bananas, 3 peaches and an apple, we claimed .. and where r u driving from, florida , he looked at us like we had 2 heads!!!! seriously... and laughed when we gave him our inventory list of fruits!!are u sure it's 7 bananas, and where would those peaches be from, he took one look and said, oh those are california peaches.. figures i'd buy peaches in the south east, from california.. glad to return them and after 5 days still uneaten.. why do i bother..

several stops for fuel.. quick, short, stops .. like driving in the indi 500, 5minutes fill and go.. fill and go.. chasing the sun as it set.. into the mountains ahead, driving through indio, where i'd sold at an art show months ago.. till i reached the metropolis of the city limits, at 70.. just want to get there, now.. when of all things shit there are flashing lights behind me, oh no .. shit fuck.. i'm getting pulled over for the first time in twenty years and i have no idea where to pull this rig over.. and i know for a fact that i can not find my registration as i'd looked for it some days earlier, when in maryland.. and wheres my drivers license oh and proof or insurance shit.. i pulled over where it seemed relatively safe, and a nice officer explains to me that i should drive to the next exit, and pull into a shopping center, requests my drivers license which he holds onto.. i'm thinking should i be driving without it? and i proceed.. knowing i was speeding through, as the speed limit for towing are 55mph.. when i get to the shopping center the lot is completely full and i have no idea in the dark of night now where to stop.. anywhere lets get this over, and he comes to my window, madeline in the front seat, explains to me my wrong doing and askes for the registration, and proof of insurance which madeline has the folder out.. nothing i need in it.. and i tell him to be perfectly honest i have no idea where the registration is.. and heres my last years insurance. and with a big smile as i explain i've been driving since 10:30 this morning and have been driving for days, in fact.. antsy to just get there, L.A. he returns my out of date insurance paper, with my drivers license, and with a smile no ticket!!! yes oh thank u god.. no ticket.. no grief, and as we were about to part i asked so what is ur name, officer williams, and btw where r u from.. New Jersey!! oh sir one more thing.. how do i get back to I-10? follow me i'll get u there safely, and going in the west direction.. he was so nice.. and it was a brief stop, no long delay.. he could have been so awful, guess he couldn't resist my enthusiastic, honesty.. my smile even under the circumstances.. what else could i do..

and back down the road, an hour away.. eachminutes closer.. madeline had been packing periodically all day long, and there it was the skyline of the city buildings glowing in the night.. so stunning.. and the 101.. beckoning us towards hollywood.. exit highland blvd.. unload, throw everything in the van, unconnected from it's towing place for so many days as i ran through my head my procedure, unhook, re-engage rear shaft disconnect, and race through the back streets of Franklyn blvd, then down to hollywood blvd, to fairfax, over a little street to put me on Hayworth, a brief light and cross over sunset, my apt building, just to the right.. and park.. for the night at last..

my welcoming committee, my tenants and my beloved Cassie.. beer in hand as i walk into my home.. lights so pretty, my furniture, pretty floors, clean and nice.. one trip up the stairs with all the extra hands to help.. so nice.. oh a bathroom. when i went the first time, i went to press the pedal.. not there.. a full length mirror that spans the 16 feet of closet doors, to glance at my self for the first time, like looking at an old friend i hadn't seen in months fully.. my slim figure, from head to toe..

back to the kitchen counter to have another beer and conversation, till the wee hours, and finally this over whelming need to put my head down upon my pillow..

awoke at 8:45 PST.. adjusting to my new time zone by far easier than when i went east, which seemed to take months.. to adjust to..

a gray over cast day, just right for some home cooking.. roast chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy.. and peas.. lots of butter on mine plz.. i'm going to go over the motor home pick up some more things, then Ralphs for the dinner, milk.. just a quick stop.. for the days needs, have to make a big run.. but not today.. 600 plus miles.. wow..

i am sure u are all wondering what now.. what will she have to write about if now no longer driving. there are a few more thoughts which this week i will continue to add to this running story.. so stay tuned.. i'm not quite finished!!!..

with all our thanks , the friendship, the calls, and inquiries of our where abouts daily, and those that stayed up late awaiting my notice of our arrival safe, and sound.. finally.. and for those who just so happened to be up..

and for the rest i must start calling to let them too know, we are home.. and the journey continues..

Andrea and Crew

Thursday, 21 October 2010

This is where i woke up this morning..after a long day of driving.. sometimes u can't possibly comprehend u r in paradise.. thought it was clearly nicer than the parking lot, in Louisiana, where we'd stayed just shy of baton rogue.. a few days earlier

i went into the office to pay for my space, Joanne greeted me.. i gave all my personal info, my name, address and phone # why i don't know, like we're kept track of.. horrid thought

she says so did u see the pool.. i'm like no, like i give a shit about a pool.. she says well u absolutely should.. why must i, again i'm starting late, but earlier compared to days past.. so feeling like a bungie cord has a hold of me, not letting me leave to the west, just getting taunter..

so about this pool.. which u can read about, feed by hot springs, so we ventured over to see this magnificent pool.. oh and it was.. oh my,, truly so fantastic, i'd always wanted to see a spring feed pool, i'd like to sit in a jacuzzi like feed spring pool.. with no one there.. no crowds, just the moon, the stars.. the cool breeze , ok back to my story.. ha ha ha hahhaahaha

i took lots of pix.. but shortly after i was shooting my camera battery died, then i used my phone, and it's battery died, shit fuck.
so i decided we should run back, put on our suits, forget we were on a schedule, and take a dip, as well as there was this high dive i really wanted to dive off of.. there were these boys jumping off it and i so wanted to do the same.

and so i did, dive off the high dive, my legs shaking, oh no what have i done, and i wasn't going to just climb down those stairs so i did, and i never just dive into water, i go slowly, just an inch at a time, not today.. i just dove in.. and u know, that's what life is all about.. just diving in..

then i threw Andres in, in the much shallower end in a life vest.. no i'm no worried.. all by myself here, save a life, his and mine.. he struggled at first then i threw him in.. and he swam quite a way to the stairs.. slippery from the moss.. hold on tight!! as we strolled back to the deep end Andres wanted to go back in, so i said ok.. and started to lower him in.. he was resident, and i was struggling, when madeline pushed us both in, it was so great, we laughed , and swam, together.. to the next latter up.. he so wanted to go again.. like a ride no amusement park could ever provide..

i practiced a few dives on the low board before hitting the scary high dive again, but put myself back up there, better with practice, i was 15 again, when i was in Durango, with Kimberly Waldon, a girl i'd meet at the local pool in Durango, summer baby sitting.. for parents.. what i learned.. i became a great diver, because of her. i had dove off off of bowsprits 20 some feet off the sea in the islands so this should be nothing.. this is where diving began.. for me.. i didn't like the water up my nose so i decided diving was better, into the sea with out a thought, and so diving is very important, at least every so often.. I am achey all over. but it is a reminder, how great that was..then and now.. wait till u see the pix i did get..

by the way, i was 50 miles west of Marfa, a sign along the road said, and i flashed on myself maybe 10 yrs old sitting in a catilac,(the spelling is so off i can't find this one in the dictionary!!!!!) the window open, feeling the hot air blow, on my face, in the back seat, remembering my dad, gliding.. in some soaring contest.. some summer, a million years ago, seemingly.. he was gliding, we were chasing him in the car, for any chance he would land in some field or another.. who knows what the task was that day, in my long ago memory.. but i was back there just for a moment..

and onward we drove, passing over the boarder of mexico.. and a sign that said, mountain standard time.. and i knew in that instant, i was farther west, the ache of my summer travels, yet closer to an end.. a quick stop in el paso, the call of cowboy boots, with my name on it.. and a really cool cowboy hat for Andres, and a lasso, as he will be a cowboy for halloween this year.. wearing those cowboy boots i'd found at stormville a month or so ago.. which by the way he wears everyday, the ones he so loved that day, when i bought them for him he wanted to sleep in.. sure why not.. don't cowboys always sleep in their boots..

and new mexico, seemed short and sweet, before u know it we were in.. Arizonia, drove through miles of vistas, stunning.. the distant mountains, as i carved out a few more miles to land in Willcox.. safe and sound for the eve.. having driven into yet another time zone, drove late by my stands, of EST.. putting 3 hours between me now.. my friends east.. so far away...

my friends, west, waiting in anticipation for my arrival, either late today, or early tomorrow.. maybe it would be nice to be in my bed tonight.. as i sit here so incredibly early looking out my window from my coach maybe the last time, to see the neon colored pink morning sky the sun rising now, a gray bunny with a cotton tail, crossing the pebble paved parking lot, some call camping!!
and the birds again, chatting in the background.. the roar of the highway.. as early truckers get a move on.. They look so huge as i see them driving by, when on the road they, seem so comparable, my comrades.. driving in and out around them passing them to maintain momentum.. flashing them in when they pass me or visa vera. the hazard lights a flash to say thank you.. i love driving..

I loved my summer, be it not that, profitable in dollars, the profit of our experiences, trying not to miss an opportunity, to see something, go somewhere, lillydale, or my dive off the high dive, all so fantastic, a swim in the sea.. my son on a kayak.. a sandy road.. fried clams, lobster, the cornfields on my way east, the desert on my journey west.. i think u might even say i fell in love... the love of freedom, to be happy.. unlike ever before, no one to give me grief, finding, each day a joy, and for the few, not so great ones, so forgotten....

i wish this feeling for anyone.. and everyone.. no matter how one finds it.. FIND IT .. stop whining, get up and do something.. the only whine i want should come in a bottle.. already uncorked.. ready to be consumed.. like life..

be well, as i drive further towards where the sun truly sets.. west.... my crew still sleeping it is time i made coffee..

and to all a great day

Andrea and Crew
I was so determined to write everyday on my way home.. or on my west.. does anyone know where home is.. i've been so displaced for so long now.. i wonder as i struggle to find the coffee maker under 9000 things, no time to play house, i'm driving, writing, on the frigging phone.. checking e-mails.. pressing ignore on my phone to the umteen bill collectors, and listening to the crew fight over who's half hour its is for the tv.. they haven't watched all summer long, at last a signal on dish network that i won't have once back at the apt..

oh and on that subject, of the crew.. hahaha.... stop that, he threw the foam arrow at my head, poor boy bored out of his mind, and spit balls, mom may i have a few napkins.. i might need to blow my nose at some point during the day.. right andres. no... then from the rear.. mom, mom mom... yes andres.. mom mom mom.. yes andres, i cant hear u im driving, speak up MOM, MOM, MOM.. yes andres.. hungry.. well we have roast beef, ham , or pastrami.. i don't feel like that .. we have ham, pastrami , or roast beef.. .. rrrrrrr... then Madeline.. andres says.. can u get me something.. music blasting.. singing away.. turn volume down yes andres.. i'm thirsty.. well drink the water.. i dont feel like the water, well we don't have anything else.. we drank mom's vitimin water,... all.. of it.. did i get any.. no.. yesterday.

.... and so goes the long journey home, as i awake to the phone alarm, the dark sky out side, the sun rising, from behind distant mountains.. grayish silowets.. in the background the biegish tundra my foreground.. the birds a just starting their early morning banter.. all quite on the western front..

Andres my dear boy got me out of the camper.. to look at the wetlands area last eve, we saw a craw fish or two.. a turtle.. swimming in the clear stream just steps away from my campsite for the night.. as we'd ventured earlier yesterday with sharyn to a lovely park also close to yesterdays morning camp in the heart of austin.. and what a lovely walk it was, she showed us ll the beauty, right there.. the clear water river, evidently feed from the colorado.. a swimming hole.. a bridge we crossed over to a huge field where a music fest is held, and all the little paths along the slow moving river, or lake as she said.. clear.. u could see to the bottom.. as she held both andres' and madelines hand.. just like her father.. so kind sincere.. warm.. without an effort.. just naturally beautiful.. who could say i'm not blessed.. with the company of such great people.. who r so giving of them selves.. not even thinking that they r.. just r..

i have a lot to ponder today as i continue down this lonesome highway, berely a trucker to wave to.. as though no one takes this route.. to finally leave tex ass.. and into new mexico.. a new sight as this road is quite different than I-40. flatish, rolling hills where hitting 80 was the speed limit, and i was on it.. my late start yet again.. but for such a good reason, my lovely visit..some brief knowledge of Austin.. capital of texas, nothing like the rest of the state.. artsy.. hip.. would like to know it better..

someday..for now the state i most need to learn is my mind.. my heart.. and whats yet to come.. as i took that short bit of time last night.. so wanting to write so un able to..

my friends now scattered over the usa.. i feel the call of the road.. the cool morning air lightly touching my skin as i write so long and hello again and again.. wonder if their might be some souveneer to be had.. like the mocosins on my way here.. hum.. wonder where the hell i put another thing.. it will take a month to unload this coach with the shit we have collected.. andres wanted batteries, for a light up sword someone had given him.. like i d have to take everything out of the basement just to find them!!!! ok for get the suveneer.. dont stop.. just geter there... L.A here we come...

most lovingly andrea, and crew!!!

and p.s im not fixing spelling today whos got the time.. it takes me more time to correct spelling tyos than it does put forth my thoughts.. xoxoxo

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

This morning i woke up to the cement parking lot like campground very clean,,to the sound of a mower.. way to close around 0800...actually i was up earlier.. after coffee and blogging.. e-mail and junk like that.. i went to put the car in order to tow.. make sure the brakes were in order put the van back into nutrel.. re-hook up the signal cord.. .. now so second nature.. i realize i never mentioned all the goes with the driving.. checking everything to make sure its working.. linesr good, nothing drags, which could b a compete disater.. looking for a replacement cord.. oh in the middle of no where.. oh one does not want this.. at alll!!!!!.. so in any event, had a chance to say good morning to the camper nieghbors, in a pretty nice rig.. shamfully at this instant i can not recall their names, but our conversation was extremely interesting.. she was a teacher in alaska.. and as she'd paid into her pension as well as social security.. she was not able to receive her social security because some jack asses n the 80's voted that was double dipping .. according to her. so now she can bearly afford health insurance if not for her husbands social security.. dam is this fucked up? i ask.. now wait there's more i asked them where they were coming from of course and where they were headed..u r not going to friggin believe this.. they were just in the pan handle of texas headed to the pan handle of florida.. no wait wait.. u r not going to believe,, i said oh im just coming from there, figuring they would never in a million years know.. where id really been i said well i'm just coming from dustine.. which was actually true.. she said, oh we're on our way home to ........NICEVILLE can u believe that.. i almost died.. then of course the conversation about the Mullet festival.. which they had sadly missed this year.. i dared give the info on my blog.. i liked them and found our conversation very enlightning.

and that was just this morning!!.. crossed the missisippi via the Wilkinson-Horace bridge .. followed by airline highway.. huh

my goal was san antonio.. but took a little detour to visit a new friend.. sharyn.. we met when andres just wondered off at sweet water camp to make friends with a dog named Charlotte if u recall i do believe i've mentioned this at some point but don't make me look.. as it turns out she's just an hour north so thought with a little planing last Minuit and all .. as she just landed a job here, as of today, it was excellent timing.. now get this.. madeline read the three choices of campgrounds and we decided on this one.. in the heart of Austin.. in the city.. this is a really cool place.. at first i was like i don't know, then.. i was like.. ok.. sharyn was right here on time.. and we had a chance to chat.. then went around the block in the city .. and got the cheapest burgers ever and it was great.. these blue painted picnic tables.. and if i haven't mentioned i really have a thing for the picnic tables.. it was rather charming.. and then sharyn showed us where she was starting tomorrow.. right next store to this campground.. seriously.. do the coincidences ever end..? we'll have a coffee in the am and a nice visit i'm sure before the crew and I, head again west..

and the adventure continues just a little longer..

Andrea and Crew
an early morn, readying myself to hit the road.. wonder how i write and do this.. me too!!i combine coffee, with writing.. in Louisiana, where of all things, when i checked into this campground just outside baton rouge.. they asked me , as i'm from west hollywood, if i were an actress!!! right.. as it turns out.. they r filming the 4th Twilight, and another movie, battleship.. i must be on my way home.. who knew i'd call west hollywood home.. or anyone would.. but there u have it... some crew fellow, was checking in as i was leaving.. and i said oh so ur from hollywood.. me too.. he seemed so typically hollywood removed and stuck the fuck up.. like i was interested in whether he was a film guy.. like i'd just gush all over, thrilled to be anywhere near the glamour of his job.. who gives a hoot.. went to my coach and drove to my site.... not another thought..

He should have known who i was!!! the writer, of this fantastic blog!!!! hahahahaha.. reporting upon the many events and places i've been and sharing my thoughts, of life, a journey having little to do with the roads which i have traveled this long 16 weeks.. and yet short, as i start my way back, chiseling away at the miles ahead.. and the life lessons, learned.. or acquired , that i will continue to learn from.. this is what this has been all about.. and sharing my thoughts, as many have shared theirs with me.. guiding me to realize who i am.. who i am not!! and like u all, my readers.. on that search... or not.. just the being aware.. of how we can effect one another, by our words, or lack of.. sticks and stones..huh i think we can much more move each other in one direction or another by words, by no means, mere.. we can melt a heart or simply destroy it, all if we let either in.. i wonder should we allow both in, in order to do so be filled with the love we deserve, can we shut one out and still allow the other in.. or must we be able to allow the hurt in, as well .. if a door is open it's open to all , theirs no half open half closed..

open.. id say is the way i am.. this way the kindness, giving, receiving, loving and being loved has the room it needs to get in and when that occasional spear .. to the heart passes too, through that door, like a rainy day.. a reminder of how much is better, than it is worse..

so to gleb and wally who, so, without a thought would open an old, thought healed wound.... if i were to allow that i would be allowing for anyone to come along and miss treat me.. as i had so many times, the old familiar.. not so familiar any more..

i have allowed love and kindness into my life.. people who genuinely care.. we must all realize parents are not always the ones who show u love, though we expect that's where we are to learn it.. maybe we learn lack of love.. the long monsoon of childhood, to grow up .. and learn that that is not it, at all.. that a sunny day isn't merely a sunny day but how it makes u feel through and through.. deep inside.. i have felt all this and now know..

The loving friends who have helped me see this.. are with out a doubt my guidance.. thank u all so much.. this list is long if i were name off all those that have been kind and good.. i am truly blessed and those blessings transfer to my children.. and i see them by far happier than i ever was as a child.. not that i thought i was unhappy.. didn't know the difference then..

what a trip.. hop on board as i roll down the road another day to see states, texas soon oh dear.. having traveled through florida, alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.. be with us in spirit.. good spirits!!

love to u all, and may ur day be a joy ..

love always ..
Andrea and Crew

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Tonight is my last night after my last show.. The Mullet Festival.. well if u new what a Mullet was .. it is likely u wouldn't come here to the town of niceville..
i found out as i arrived monday, a week ago late day.. set up the motorhome in a distant rv space, quiet.. . by wednesday my friend Joe was to arrive, here in Niceville.. we all went to the little airport here to see his smiling face in his pilot attire, looking so dashing.. hat and all.. after a long day of flying.. we ran errands.. a tent needed.. as he would be here a few days as it turned out i would be moving yet again as mr mason had some issue with 4 people on the camp site on the fair grounds.. not wanting to make a fuss over his ridiculousness.. i decided to find another place to camp and we packed up everything and found a campsite in Destin, far away from the show.. but lovely in it''s own way.. nothing like it's internet ad though, which made this place look like a paradise, near the water. as it turned out just a lot large enough for a house, instead a few motorhomes and trailers.. Kent the manager greeted us joyfully.. the last spot in the area as the Mullet festival had filled all the hotels and campsites months ago.. Now one would think this is going to be truly the big weekend..

and so i set up early friday morning.. excited with anticipation.. 40,000.. when i met Silvia.. the art and craft.. coordinator.. i asked about Mullet.. was it any good.. she was a riot.. she's from New York, Syracruse, and i chatted about the summer , and my short stay a few times at the camping world where the mosquitoes that wouldn't bother me, and actually want nothing to do with me, dive bombed me, relentlessly.. like i'd never experienced, some very special mosquitoes.. she said she wouldn't touch a Mullet.. they're bottom feeders.. who would have known this would become a theme of the weekend... i thought , thats ok, i like lobster.. their bottom feeders, guess theres a difference in the sophisticated maine lobster and just a river fish.. who fucking knew!!! ahhh

Set up ready for my friday.. and that hurry up and wait theme becomes again a reality.. i swear if 200 people arrived friday.. i pulled a zero.. yes u read correctly ZERO .. i called it a day.. at 6 or so.. had my friend Joe, and my crew, whom he was with.. found himself busy fixing all those pesky things i never could get to, the bathroom door that wasn't working the electric cord box i'd broken a year ago.. the cable.. oh and the short list goes on.. so kind and helpful..

Glad to be with Joe.. and the crew.. rather spend that time with them than sit it out till 10 pm.. wishing.. That is no way to make money sso thought i'd better profit from great company.. burgers beer, and rest for the busy saturday surely to come...

Oh this was something.. hot humid.. searing in fact.. as my space was positioned to receive sun both from the front, and side where my cases are set up.. no where to go but hot sun, burning my skin..and not a shadow, from a customer .. a standing on the other side.. my friend Clyde was be side himself!! kept calling me.. so how much have u sold.. he usually kicks my butt.. as his dresses seem usually more popular and he'd stuck it out friday night.. for a mear $200. i was already creaping up on his totals from his night and day.. and before u knew it had upped him by a hundred!! and the competition was on.. we both like to sell and as it was an empty show.. during the day.. it was the only thing keeping us both on our task.. make that money.. what ever it shall be.. by the eve i had a few more dollars.. nothing i should write about.. at 9 i called it quits.. rather the company of Joe, who'd spent the day with the crew.. and of course the crew..

and as for sunday.. oh i take a deep breath, as we collected ourselves packed up Joes tent, now an empty space outside my coach window.. and off to the airport, he in uniform.. looking ever so captain like.. ever so different from the shorts and "T" from the weeks camping wear.. a saddened kiss .. unlike the one just days before, upon his arrival.. not much to say.. in fact .. as we know my traveling starts, monday, a trek back to L.A. further apart.. and a weeks worth of memories, and some time to mull the whole week over..

off the crew and i went to the booth, family day, not much hope to make up financially for the lack of sales friday, certainly much less the saturday.. bottom feeders.. and so i discovered how nice people r here in Niceville.. not very.. as i set up and proceeded to show my first pair of earrings to my first fish on the line.. no mirrors, what i put them under the counter the night before.. dam.. where could they b? shit.. by the time i would now look through everything, my first fish got away.. and still no mirrors.. stolen, worthless to anyone else, but me those that i was down to, as mirrors break all the time my old back ups gone not another mirror now for my day of sales.. borrowed 2 from Clyde.. now my rod caught another .. and as i was closing the deal, my calculator, for me to total the sale and add in florida sales tax, what where the heck is it.. no not that too.. really NOT NICE.. $30. calculator, 2 years maybe 3 years old.. like new.. gone too.. oh shit.. what kind of people come to this place, to go into my completely closed booth and take what doesn't belong to u just for the sake of taking something.. i truly don't get it.. so like the fish here.. the people shall follow.... bottom feeders.. I'll stick with shrimp and lobster festivals, or better yet straight art shows, crafts shows where the people don't think of u as carnival people and look down upon u while being lower than low, as they march by.. thinking themselves better, while not any more nickels in their own pockets..

one customer early on in the day stopped.. "How much" i said do u know what it is.. she said no.. HOW MUCH.. well whats the difference how much it is if u don't know what it is.. she was irate.. who cares.. it doesn't matter if it's one dollar or a thousand if u don't know what the hell it is.. have a nice day.. in NOT SO NICEVILLE..

Their must be a word, for something that claims one thing when it is completely the opposite..

I packed up dollied everything to my van with darling Andres pushing.. as it was very heavy.. through the trodden grass down to dust and sand.. even the harder to pull, happy to get it all in 3 trips, loaded and out of there a sweet so long to clyde and on my way back to camp where i started to write to find my head on my pillow.. the thoughts of the week a running through my head.. my summer.. my near ending journey, and this blog too.. another to follow, THE L.A REPORT.. has a ring to it.. what u all think.. written for my dears on the east as i share my winter, with those i will so miss, though in touch.. the time difference, huge.. yet accommodating.. as it will be earlier for me.. and i might find my head a rest before midnight likely..

I am ready.. the drive to come today, started out just write!!

with all my deepest thoughts, plz say a prayer.. our safe journey thank u god.. 2110m .. L.A. here we come!!!

Andrea and Crew