Saturday, 2 April 2011

quick post.. who's reading from Iran? 8 page views how interesting.. please comment or something!!


As I sit, this morn, about to run out the door, to take miss madeline to her rehearsals, at school, wonder what shall I say today.

I spent the day yesterday doing something I rarely give myself, Time. for self.. I don't give it to myself simply because I am not actually taking in an income, but living off what little savings I have left while re-sculpting my life, and what I will do to bring in the bacon!! This, as many who are not working, around the country as well as the world, know to well, by far the hardest work there is, and if one has a grain of salt, wouldn't take a minute off, knowing every minute off, is a minute more of time, not dedicated to making the income needed to support a family. But I did, I took half the day, It was hot, at last, and the sun shown brightly while it blazed extreme heat, making our apt. about 90 degrees, much too hot.. seemly our apt is either too frigging cold, or too hot. would it be too much to have a happy medium, in temperature much less life itself!!

With my pending trip to florida to work 2 art shows there, I thought it might be nice to have a little color on my body, as I am as pale as I've ever been. I really wanted to go to the beach, but couldn't get a unanimous vote so succumbed to the pool down stairs, I grabbed my Ban de Soeil and 2 books, and a sarong, placed myself in a chair and began to read..

Last fall, after I left the cape, I dared Joe to drive down from the cape, as a lark, to New york, where I was to depart, for my next locale to sell, and of all things he did!! A five hour drive, to arrive at some ungodly hour, tent, and a gift, over coffee the next morn. Hahahaha, wow.. anyway, he brought this book to me, "on Life After Death" a short book in pages, filled with some of the most profound observations by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who spent her life with those who were dying, from the very old to the youngest of children and documented her experiences with them and the resounding similarities they all shared over a 20 year study.

The spiritual ramifications were what was most resound. That we live here in this embodiment of humanity to Love unconditionally. That we should not put up walls that limit our advancement, by the "if's" if i were thin, if i were taller, shorter, smarter, younger, older, richer, or worse, that someone else were younger, older, shorter, taller, thinner, fatter, richer we could love them more. or that we limit ourselves, that moment in time, of great love because society or otherwise dictates so. and that through the years of spending time, in the beginning, with older dying patients, their only regret was that they hadn't spent the time they would have liked, with those they most loved, like family and friends.

She spoke of criticism from others, and its effects, only to remind me that, the opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not ours. (let me add as i am reading also Think and Grow rich) As long as we take control of our own mind. as long as we are doing the work, of our own choosing, with passion and rightfulness, that shall benefit others, as well as ourselves with a clear conscious of good, we should not be effected.. Like I was last week, over some dumb comment by another, more cynical. That being a lesson for me to find and learn..There really isn't room in our lives for that much consumption, of others jealousies, lack of understanding, cynicism, which detract from our full profits, of love, spirituality, and reaping the wealth that allows us time for those needs which expand our hearts and minds.

She explained we, even in our apparent loneliest states, are in fact not alone, as the spirit world, the universe, its greater love, is always there to give us a hand, when we reach out for it. That those of us dreaming of the optimum life, keep dreaming, without dreams there is no way to have what one wants, and no one should come between you and your aspirations, for the material, which buy you Time, which as Dr Ross mentions is not promised, a constant, I am reminded of. Isn't that interesting? I think so. There is nothing but NOW, not yesterday, other than to reflect, and gain knowledge to appreciate NOW.

I was watching book channel or something and they were talking about the educational system and how to improve it, mentioning that only one time in recent history, were we ever so productive, as opportunities, arose, from of all times the depression, and how we, or at least a few, took advantage of the bleakest times and made huge successful companies, by now, some of the most well known, and each of those people, never gave the situation a thought, but made a silks purse from a sows ear.. if you will. with little doubt apparently that it wouldn't be possible. and oddly enough, were quiet in touch with something they perceived as greater power than just existing here. It is that mind set, that I now embrace, as I think that maybe we are promised at least tomorrow, to accomplish these many goals and learn these many lessons, life has to give, freely, when our mind, heart and soul are open to them, to share with others, without any fears, of any kind.. That we keep striving towards greater love. to give and receive.

On this journey of a road trip that we are all on, may we all be granted the Time we so seek to be with those we love, and love us, be able to work in the work we love, that allows us TIME. Lets all do what we love with the knowledge that the money will come!! as well as the time!!

Let me say only that as I read more, of these types of philosophies by writing down my interpretation I consume the info. for myself and my crew while sharing this with you my readers, for my benefit, if nothing else, to be a better person. And do what I set out to do, what I intended to do while on this journey, Of a Road Trip!!

I hope this makes some sense!!

Most love and light

and Crew

Friday, 1 April 2011

It is friday night, and every friday night i sit, when at last there's peace, and wonder what it is i will write about on saturday, i have still no idea. so many thoughts another week passed, and its lessons.. what will i bring to the table tomorrow.. what in my dreams will i put to words? so many thoughts..

Till then,
I post my process

Andrea and crew to sleep
