Sunday, 19 September 2010

365 days ago today i arrived in L.A. it seems so long ago, and like yesterday all at then same time. I spent my day today straightening up, for my little celebration.. my mom's birthday, where in sept on the 19th of the year 1929, she was born in valley stream n.y.. not far from where i sit, as i write a last..

i could hear her voice, or feel her in me yesterday as i called the electric company to pay the bill, as i read off the numbers of the account, and my phone # one of my inherientces... so if anyone wanted to keep in touch they could, even if a year from now some one called i could be the one to break it to them, she had passed.. as i answered the phone Roots Place.. for all to know it was still her place, and now mine.

i'd just driven 5 days straight to arrive, in l.a. 500 miles day one, 650 the next 700 wed.. 800.. thursday.. a little glitch slowed me down a day, friday, arriving early saturday morning.. where there were all the troops a waiting for miss Root to arrive from the nursing home.. it wasn't going to well and as my arrival was a complete surprise, only Lisa knew, and by wed Cassie knew, and met me there, at the Hayworth hilton, aka Roots Place, There must have been 50 friends there, and as i came in.. i didn't remember no one knew i was coming.. and one person after another completely stunned greeted me, with loving arms, embraces i can still feel, and today wish i did.. if i could have one day back this would be it.. my mother arrived .. with all the courage one person could muster.. she'd had such a terrible day.. but you'd have never know it when princess Derujinsky arrived.. more beautiful than ever.. dressed to the 9's.. and the look in her eyes when she set eyes on me.. a deep knowing that she was going to be ok.. that her dear daughter me, was there.. and for the moment.. she was happy.. i have beautiful pictures to add to this blog.. of mom that day, simona took some of the best.. the day was so beautiful inside and out.. and moms party began.. and no one loved a party more than she.. hell she arranged it!! naturally.. she held curt, crossed legged on her perch, as i sit that way right now. tall , back straight, head held high her long neck.. for the many i knew there were so many others i would just meet that day to now be friends, of which i treasure, and for those that i haven't heard from worries, i will be there soon enough.. to embrace our friendship, and hug u all again .. i miss u all very much..

so many birthdays of my moms i missed.. countless really.. i was always working .. at the swing of my road trip, as i am now.. just a call and a wish that her party would be great, and knowing i was missing the best fun of all, there was not a party recalled by guests that wasn't wonderful and she would love the next day to discuss the goings on she had missed!!! the music playing, Devora singing, roseanne a laugh .. and candles everywhere, as always.. was there ever a day when there weren't candles? and wax the next day to clean up.. mom loved the next day.. she would never do dishes at night ,,she'd beg u to not to clean them.. leave them, and the next day she loved cleaning up.. the party, the cups, and plates, the ashtrays, with who ever managed to be left over to chat about everything.. and then what happened!! so much fun..

so as i think of miss root, i can be assured that i am again missing a great party.. naturally, sitting here, with so many interesting events through out my wonderful summer, turned fall.. i feel as though unlike any other time i was talking to her as if on the phone.. had a nice chat with her as i ran down to the store to pick up cake.. she was quite clear, as she answered me, what her plan was, as though my life weren't my own!! and i asked to give me a sign.. she did but its a secret!!

so i texted some of my dear friends, and the text r returned and calls r a coming in.. and when will i be back...

as of now the schedule is virginia beach tomorrow.. from long island.. 8 - 10 hrs..

maryland.. near baltimore, onto alabama, the colo.. and final destination Los Angeles , west hollywood.. 1433..... i can hardly believe my summer ends.. and what the future has to bring.. art, writing , photography, my wall sculpture, times 4 at least.. and my earrings, my website.. my new home.. my sad so longs to my eastern friends.. as though anything would be any different far from some close to others.. and yet close to all.. thank u to technology.. my text life has been extrodinary.. skype has become my best friend.. with the most of extraordinary.. company..

cheers to ROOT may her memories live on.. and she guild me .. as her friends do, and may i be the best friend.. i can be.. and mom..

Andrea and crew..

cake for dinner.. who's in?!!!!

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