Monday, 6 September 2010

It is monday morning , we sit in the now abandoned field where only yesterday it was bustling with shoppers, and booths set up all around my coach.. sitting here, i now can see all the field, the workers out cleaning up blown papers and trash, a few venders still packing up there remaining goods, in the harsh morning light.. the air cool as though mother nature is on schedule, preparing for the fall... as she does.. each year..

i think about the thrill of saturday.. the rush as i was so busy.. the reunion of friends and customers, and then the low of sunday, as i had to say yet another good bye, to the familiar place and faces.. it some how took hold at late eve.. this hole in my this trip, i know comes to an end, though weeks away, yet seemingly around the corner, knowing how quickly time passes..

I so start to mentally prepare.. for the next leg of this journey, norwalk, ct.. new york, long island, then virginia beach, maryland, and finally in.. alabama.. gulf shores.. then a pit stop in colorado, and onto L.A. but that's still down the road, for now i should pack up my shit and get going to Sara's where i'm cooking today.. i'd like to pick up some of those inexpensive lobsters just one more time as it is surely the last time i will have one, for a long, long time to come..

so many thoughts to culminate, as i try to absorb my most interesting summer.. our new friends, and old friendships, cultivated..

unlike any other year.. i have learned so much.. about myself.. and a little secret.. i have a lot more to learn!! while finding comfort in just being me..

the crew had such a nice weekend.. we all found treasures at stormville.. and not just the star like ones but the tangible, a lego watch, cowboy boots for andres, shoes for school, note books, t-shirts the Abercrombie, aeropostale, american eagle, and cherry sticks girls, who ever heard of them.. at a whopping $5. each!! oh and those cheep belts, and a denim jacket, a sample.. in just my size, tiny.. and a pair of shoes that should really be worn with undergarments alone!!! as though i'd have a call for that! but one can only hope!! too funny!! .. well Up Your Ear!!

and onwards i go.. through the 85 pound generator in the basement of the coach and get a going here..

Love andrea and crew!!

1 comment:

  1. Andy,

    Found on blogspot help:

    there is a way to change ur templates language to english as it is one of the blogger's default
    now, what u hav 2 do is this:

    dashboard>>your blog settings>>formatting
    and the 6th tab downwards is language in ur case its french,,kindly change it to english and u r solved

    Hope it works for you,

