so funny my dear... I'm sure mom has visited u now.. that's how she comes to me..she keeps sending me people also.. can' believe u didn't say anything. how good of u.. miss Root, mom would have never resisted..
as for Earl.. yes, was on the phone many times with eugenia yesterday.. she's back with the one eyed fisherman, or crabber, what ever he is.. he was out at sea, if u will while he left eugenia to fend for herself, without any supplies, no flashlight, didn't board the windows, and she hadn't any canned goods.. what a joke.. as she seemed buzzed, she just loved the opportunity for a little added drama!!! she is still existing in the outter banks.. i myself had to make a quick decision as to what i was going to do, had several choices, and had a hard time making up my mind as to what i was going to do, stay in the cape, or get the hell outta dodge.. was thinking of staying, as i had such a fun week, with this nice fellow i met at the camp ground, went to the beach on monday, which i hadn't done myself the whole time i was there. and it was sooooo nice, he brought everything a girl and mom could need or want.. sand toys, chairs and table, cooler with beer!! and an opener.. he's hired!! i took some outstanding photos of andres, and a few of madeline.. but at last this year i was able to capture andres' good looks, up until now he has been impossible to shoot.... we stayed so late on the beach, after we packed he drove us to another part of the beach at very low tide to experience driving through water, and all the way out to where the sea began.. and would no sooner turn around and come back in.. so how that works.. as soon as tide comes in, the sea says hello and then goes right back to retreating.. and endless cycle.. we all enjoyed the setting sun, and as the sun set and the sky darkened... the stars, in the early dusk, illuminated.. we drove back along the sandy road to camp.. Joe cooked a pork roll on the grill, evidently u can cook anything on a grill.. it was Delicious, and i even ate a bit.. I wish i never had to cook again.. funny i'm one of the best cooks i know.. everything tasted great and i was quite the presenter.. it looked as good as the food tasted.. now.. if i could never see a pot pan or especially the dishes.. oh so over it!! just would like to be in charge of the big meals, for the holidays.. where i make way too much.. but the left overs are so, so great.. turkey sandwiches, turkey tetrazzini, soup.. and those second night dinners of turkey over my amazing stuffing with my extraordinary gravy.. with the hint of wine..
boy i sure can go off in another direction can't i..?
so where was i.. oh .. yeah.. the cape, and EARL which Joe had offered us to stay in one of his 2 condos and wait out the storm, but the other option was to get out thursday, yesterday, and go to N.Y where i had booked a show, that i wasn't anymore sure the weather would be nice for either.. finally at 1:40 pm made a decision.. go.. and packed everything up and left, to yet say, another, good bye, for now.. and andres gave him the sweetest hug.. and off we were to conn. an over nighter with my fab friend Sara and her lovely husband, whom i've had the pleasure to get to know..
so earl is going to give the cape a piece of it's eye.. and i won't be there!!
will be working and catching up with other friends, in stormville, where i do so love it.. this was an airport at tone time.. when i first went there 18 years ago.. and the small planes where still tied down in the field.. used to love to go check them, out as u know i've spent a child hood at airports.. with good ol Gleb.. evidently mom and dad where even there and either flew in or out of there in the day.. there's a picture some where of her.. at stormville..
yesterday it was so hard to say good bye to the cape, and my wonderful month there, and this morning i look forward to saying hello, to friends at stormville, make money, and do a little shopping, where socks are everywhere pick up some belts to old up my pants, my mascara, at half price.. and i always do a little christmas shopping if i find a special item that suits those i love.. and that pesky back to school shopping.. this yea will have a call for sweaters, as we will all need them..
did i mention i am officially divorced? at fucking last!!.. oh and my life can officially move on .. not that that stupid piece of
ridiculously expensive paper, that reaped me little but my maiden name, and little else.. in the end.. but freedom.. there's no place like home, in peace.... without the worry of what mood someone else is in.. just mine and the crew, and i know what mood i will be in , and generally it's cheery..positive.. and happy.. through and through..
i love ur writing and again may i publish as it's so worth the read for others. my phone was ringing off the hook from everyone, as to where we were and were we leaving the cape .. one friend that said he'd come there himself and remove us if i didn't leave!!.. we r surrounded by people that so care for us.. it's truly
incredible, u can't really thank people for loving u or caring..but i do anyway..
well bracing my self for a quick trip to the laundry mat!! and of a short jaunt to stormville, where i will sell, and look forward to my traditional steak on the grill with fresh corn..
when we first sold there we slept in our van.. some years there after i was pregnant with madeline.. and remember sleeping on top of merchandise in the van, with her in my womb.. and later nursing her there.. and always on saturday nite i would cook a steak and corn.. as the years progressed and we got our first pop-up camper and then the travel trailer, and then the winnabago.. we started inviting other friends for dinner.. and it's become a thing.. wonder who will join us for dinner this year? hummm well whom ever it is.. look forward to the company.. and the star lit sky in the mountains, without the bright moon to steal away the canopy of stars so beautiful there.. it's like a little piece of heaven.. so happy i decided to go..
well my dear.. so lovely to have heard from u and keep up the stories.. i so love to read them.. and ur distinctive way of telling them!!
Andrea and Crew
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