Saturday, 12 February 2011

VALENTINE (Wear ur heart on ur sleeve if 4 2day only!!)

Funny enough this has been quite the topic, on the radio, as i drive the crew to school. 107.2, each morn to the voice of Ryan Seacrest, and his co anchor and what to do for one's valentine. I can only gather, Ryan has a sweet heart, and how to most impress her on this day when all the Men struggle with the plight of what to do.. or to do nothing at all.. Theres the argument that this was just invented to sell chocolates, cards, and jewelry.. Maybe so.. but here it is.

Should you be the guy who chooses to do nothing, look out.. it is likely even if we realize you fervently against the commercialism of the whole ordeal, You will likely find, a chill in the air, or in the bed room!! at the dinner table, the ride to work will seem like an eternity!!! so funny.. now of course for those that give into this commercialized, holiday dreamed up by advertisers, which by the way i do not think it was, just capitalized by those same mentioned.. you have a challenge on your hands.. what on earth hasn't been done.. how can one be original, and tell that one special girl she's the one.. or if you really like someone, but don't want to go to over board and lead her astray.. but still want to say, i'm interested.. or how about "your the best friend i have", without sending the message, i love u forever..or i love u, even if not forever!! think of all the scenarios you fellas have, glad i'm not you!!!

how about the other side, the should we girls do anything.. we all over think.. but should we choose to get a card, a box of chocolates, for that special someone, will it be to much, will he run for the hills, will he feel bad when he did nothing at all, will i be sorry i bothered, will i tell myself, who gives a shit, it was from my heart.. if i'm creative, will it be received as such, with out him over thinking.. gees, the pressure put upon us when it is just an opportune time to express love, as though everyday weren't enough.

Oddly enough we over think, even everyday, when we've paid too much attention to that someone, opps i'm i going too far, not far enough, or am i so distracted i can't get anything else done..but to over analyze what we've said, or done, or not done.. good god, give it a break..

on the other hand, i had the joy of watching the crew, go for it, in their innocence, without the over thinking, the plain joy of giving it a whirl, without fear, as they haven't had to deal with all that.. so nice..

Maddie wrote a killer poem, and gave it to the object of her affections, as it turned out, while he received his brilliant poem, it was noticed by his teacher, and for whatever reason, made him read the note being passed around, or what appeared to be that, out loud.. to the entire class, which she wasn't in at the time.. oh boy, just great. It takes complete innocence or courage, to do such a thing, and she, being the most out spoken person i know, outside of my mother, had it in her to express herself, with out hesitation. I admire that.. too bad we grow up.. in some ways.. she was inspired by that feeling of love.. gave it her all, and in return he was probably passing it around, with a laugh and a giggle, to end up writing a nice, well worded note, appreciating her effort, and a friendship that he'd hope to retain without anything more.. so be it, now she can move on, as lets face it, it's either there or it's not.. and we have all been on either side of that coin!!

sometimes it is there, but can not move any further, just because of circumstances, beyond our control. and eventually graduate, to the understanding something wonderful has come into our lives to awaken a place in our hearts we thought we were not going to go.. that caldron of love potions, that stirs, when one is completely off guard, to discover, it is within us to love again.. and that it is possible, knowing this fact, that who knows the "one" is around the corner, and that any moment, we could be taken in that direction.. once again. oh why do we do this?

And then there was Andres' object of affection, the most we can learn, as god gave me this little man to do just that, learn, and i am, with as equal confusion the man's brain.. There is this very pretty, strong, opinionated girl who's given him some of her attentions, so in turn spent the week, Andres that is, working on the perfect card and words to write in it, to bestow upon her this last friday, so she would know who her valentine was, for the weekend.. and on monday be his!! It was a team effort, i helped by taping the hearts he'd cut out and colored to the card, and on thursday, Cassie helped him to write the perfect message inside, as he'd deliberated on what to say to his "Truly",(Chitty, chitty bang bang) and presented it in class, early morn to a wonderful reception!! and a necklace,with a heart!, of which was my mom's, that i'd given to Cassie, and now Cassie to Andres to his Valentine.. Oh so sweet!! and on the drive back from school told me of his wonderful experience, and how he should change his after school program, so as to be with her more.. oh dear.. Not going to happen, but just goes to show where this all begins, and it's control over us, love that is, not the love of parent, child, friendship, but that of romance.. more hope on the horizon!!

At some point, and i don't want to dismiss that love of child, parent, or friendship, because all those love scenarios are, or can be such a catalyst to how we love.. what we expect of our love lives all stems from that.. and the opinions of those same people who have taught of love itself.. and of course how we love ourselves.. I personally, like the rest of us, am by far the last to understand this confusing state of mind that does so truly rule our minds through our hearts..

my only wish is that we love, fully, without fear. Just do it.. we will all survive a broken heart, but we will certainly never survive with out LOVE itself, the romantic kind, being the most influential, as we pass through this life.. plenty of those will live perfectly content lives having nothing to do with it, but.. i think, it is a whole experience, for which we all should have a stab at once, twice, or a dozen times.. if we should be so blessed.

so to all those out there contemplating what to do this valentine's make it come from your heart, let it be known it is ok to love, now or forever.. which ever it is, it is.. and be glad for it if even for the moment.. no time wasted in the what if's.. Tomorrow again is not promised, we all may think that science makes the world actually turn, it doesn't, it is love.. and if we didn't i'm sure the gravitational pull of the moon wouldn't have a chance, and all would be still, stagnate, no seasons, to grow the crops, the sun would burn half the earth while the other side would just freeze.. now that's global warming, at it's worst, or best the warming of ones heart, to Dream.. As the world dose turn....

And lastly, for those who receive a valentine, be glad someone had the courage to show the way, and for those that don't, worry not, it's just one day, there are 364 other days to come!!


AND CREW my endless inspiration...


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