Violet flowers, so vibrant, stole me away,
I thought it couldn't happen, not to me,
this less than sunny day, I stopped, I held my breath, it is true.
I could here them speak to me, of love, their deepest violet shouting to me,
hello, my field of energy bright, even in the artificial light of the store,
you're potted, confined roots, petals glowed.
I felt you, heard you call to me, notice me, love me...
for if nothing else this brief moment. it is all we may be given.
I stopped to bask in your beauty, for that moment.
knowing all the while you are just an annual
I may take you home, plant you, water you, but in the end, your petals will fall off,
and nothing but the stems will remain, that held you up to the light of the sunshine,
which made you grow so beautiful.
and i am filled with the joy of knowing you,
if for only in passing.
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