Well, here it is again, Saturday, and i am writing, as though i didn't write enough this week, i wrote 2 email letters for up your ear which each took me nearly a day to write edit and send, and i wrote, a few poems, one of which was included in my email to promote sales for my website, and then added to my book in progress, a cinderella story.. answered several emails, Oh and wrote to the president. I'm probably on the watch list!!
just so u know I am up in arms about the school layoffs here in california.. and gave mr. President my piece of mind while they all bullshit us about health care and education in one breath and then take away with yet the other.. if you are unaware, 22,000 teachers and staff of all sorts were given the pink slip this week.. and class sizes will be increased from 24 students to 29, ah whats 5 more students per teacher anyway, right? 23,000 were laid off year before last, bringing the total to 45,000, out of a job. Our future is dimmed by the thought that what might be great thinkers will never be.. maybe after reading writing and basic math, we should be just fine.. and as the class size increases, they will get less attentions and therefore likely not do as well.. while i heard the prez say we are lowering the standard of standardized tests, why we have to or how would our children pass, and if left behind, u might have to rehire the staff of teachers u just let go, in order to handle those left behind.. and whos to say, that the remaining teachers are the select group, to bring our future infrastructure, our peoples, to bring their best, into a future, so unpredictable..
Unless you are self taught or home schooled just forget it, while your thinking college is an option, likely not for most, and just as well, who wants to come out the other end, with debts of $50,000-100,000 just so one can work for 10 yrs after, to repay the astronomical loan, that doesn't guarantee a great paying career, with benefits, which come out of your paycheck anyway..
and how about all those in college now studying to be educators, HUH? what about them you ask, well what career do they have to look forward to now, after spending 2,3, or nearly 4 years in a university, just to find theirs no hope for a job in the education field in which they set their entire education on.. what the.. so now coming out of college with unbelievable debt they can become bank tellers for those same institutions, which provided the loans, these same students will kill themselves to repay over maybe even longer, years at a lessor pay, with little chance for longevity, like a teaching career.. generally most teachers are their for the duration.. which can pay off eventually as with seniority one gets increases in pay, as well as so many other benefits.. Last year madeline's 6th grade teacher lost her position with the school board because, she had returned to teaching after letting go the chance to be principal, because her daughter was having a baby and wanted to have the freedom to be with her, so as a returning teacher her seniority was invalid, and when it came time for cuts, a teacher for 20+ years was considered a newbe and lost her job. a wonderful teacher dedicated, and was not just teaching the 6th grade class, but because of the budget had both 5th and 6th grade in one room teaching both at the same time, now talk about walking and chewing gum at the same time.. dang..she kicked butt, but no, lets throw that one out.
So, i might also mention, in the lausd district 5000 custodians were laid off as well this year, or was that last, who can keep up, only to say, that if theres a clean up in classroom 4, get it yourself is the new way, as students clean their own desks, and floors, and whatever, maybe the new detention will include cleaning toilets, but don't take that as an education cause there's no job there to be had!! just the dirty work without the pay!! oh and please don't be sick or have an accident at school on monday, tuesday, thursday or friday, they'll be no nurse available.. and please, when you come into the main office to see the vice principle she/he is only available either the first part of the week or the last as he/she has to split their schedule between 2 schools, and filing papers and what not, is now handled by students, that as an elective, take "office" now theres a future secretary, but not for the school district, as likely that position is filled by future students. Please plan on walking to school, or having your parents drive u as there are limited school buses, it is way to expensive to pay drivers and maintenance, of those said busses, and now sit, unused in lots, some where downtown..
I can not say exactly how many teachers were laid off from maddie's middle school, but from memory, as i was phoned by recording, real people are too expensive, the list, which went on and on, 12 teachers, the nurse, office staff, while i understand a few in the lausd officials got a raise, guess they found some extra cash to line their pockets with, at the risk of our future, and those that will be the decision makers of our future, god help us all, the future voter will be these same uneducated.. dam.. I say revolt, but the best i can do with my limited resources and working on working schedule is write!! and so i have..
To those that have retained their jobs at the schools, god bless the large undertaking of educating the children of america, and our future, at the risk of your sanity and mass class size.
and finally we can afford to take on Lybia, Horray!!!!
Thats it..
Andrea and crew
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