Wednesday, 5 January 2011

just a brief , hahaha up date, survived my birthday, i woke up early to write, and recieve um-teen phone calls of happy birthday wishes, which then turned writing into a 4 hour effort, one hour just to correct spelling!! the children gave me some gifts, my friend nancy, gave me a blankie, in bright pink, along with some nice undergarments, oooo la la, and a fab coffee cup with little red roses on it, old fashioned, if someone wants to bring me coffee in bed, and some spiced rum!!!

ah wishful thinking.. hum i wonder has anyone ever done that.. i don't think so.. just think of what i have to look forward and a like enough money to afford a personal assistant and a nanny! whilst some friends, all wish i'd return to the life i once had.. and why would i do that prey tell? how is it people can come up to you, tell u that you've never looked better, or seem happier and in the same breath suggest, one return to a less pleasant time.. i just don't get it.. to each his/her own i suppose.

I am evidently hard to understand, my thought way to complicated, my feeling too deep, and just as easily shut down, if nesscessary, for my self preservation. I go back to what i mentioned to Ka Lee yesterday, when she called me, when you take a flight the flight attendent tells you in case of emergency, please place the face mask on yourself first, then help the one sitting next to you, in that i believe.

my day was basically uneventful, as far as birthdays go, as far as another great day, well... i was prepared i've had enough birthdays to know, this is one day that is, and always has been icky. anyone with a birthday within a few weeks of christmas must know that, no one wants to do anything, and often through the years i felt the same way.

Madeline and i took a quick trip to the festival market in pompano, I enjoyed a drink with my friend nancy later, and then went to sheri's had another couple of beers, and fell asleep on her couch, where i reside again to night.

Had a really interesting conversation with one of sheri's friends who's birthday is today, all her complaints, or maybe rather i should say, reflections of her birthday the same.. no one ever made any effort to do anything.. she asked me if anyone even got me a cake, i said no.. i got one for madeline's b day yesterday, she pointed out that that wasn't the same. and i thought she had a point. though hadn't really thought about what is expected anyway.. now you are not going to believe this, and what made my birthday the best, as i was chatting with Dawn, i was out on the patio, and Sheri's neighbor, over heard it was my birthday, as that was the topic, now i don't know this person, never met him, and when i got off the phone with Dawn, there was a knock on the door, and in walked in Steve, with a cake, for me, a perfect stranger, he over heard it, went to publix and arrived with a cake.. i just couldn't believe it, can you imgine a person thats never met you would bring you a cake.. well this is what i most wanted to share.. one never knows where the niceties in life are coming.. So thanks steve, that was outstanding and if i never were to remember this birthday, now i will never forget.. one birthday, this one.. as i can hardly recall any of the others, nore do i care..

Any way, whatever your age, people put you in catigories, which are really off, actual dates do not make one older or younger, much of how we are has to do with how one approaches life, with vigor, or lack their of, i've meet people in their 30's that are old indeed, and and people like my mother that never aged, matured, but never lost, her youthful out look, much less her good looks, when she passed, last year, her bone density was the bone denity of a 50 year old woman.. so she was fit also.. that's just gentics.. or luck.. now i'm placed into some group that i definately don't fit into..i choose not to adjust to readily..

andrea and crew

this was published quiet after i wrote it.. i'll explain in my next post!

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