Saturday, 22 January 2011

I want to catch up with what happened over the last days of my stay in florida, and trying to back track nearly twenty days seems like a lot. frankly so much happens in one day, it would be nearly impossible, so i'm gonna try to ignore the third call from a collection agency.. this morn since 5:11 am who needs an alarm..

I came to the conclusion yesterday that when we are all flush and a good credit risk, we are considered good people, by those same creditors, when life takes a turn, and money isn't flowing we become, horrible people and all your good efforts completely forgotten. why is it they don't look back at your entire history and see that over a much longer time, I was a good customer paying always on time and the minute shit happens and your late or worse can not pay right now, you become scum. I certainly know that that is not it.. but you tell that to the banks. rather than have my blood boil, my stomach reel, i choose to ignore, it's the only way for now.. any discussion i have with them falls on deaf ears, and when i get things all straightened out and money starts flowing i will joyfully repay them all, after i pay myself..

Weekend before last I didn't work, was on standby for a show, which might have been very good but as I had many other things to attend to, like put papers together for the IRS, I didn't even attempt to work, work. I instead met with people that might be able to represent me in this matter, only to find that everyone sees u coming and wants huge sums of money to do so.. well that's not gonna happen, but what I got out of it is this, when u get a free consultation, and ur broke as shit, take fucking notes and use ur own brain!! through out this trip I was given lots of good information, and as I put these pieces together, i will be able to take these pieces of info and use them for myself, i am sadly consumed with all this which has prevented me from creating actual cash flow, due to the amount of time i've spent trying to put 2008, and next 2009 papers together for the IRS, this has prevented me from actually making money, now, or what it takes to book shows or other opportunities for the near future.

I'll pick that up in a moment.. the following week while sleeping at a hotel in lauderdale by the sea, I had a great room, with a balcony, and in the evenings would sit out in the cool night air to hear the sea, brush against the sand, the first night, the erie glow of the lights, shown upon a tree, a frangipani tree, without the lovely blooms of spring, where two doves cuddled, blending into the tree branches so well at first I didn't think they were real, until one blinked at me!! and every morning for 5 days I would get up to the sound of the changing sea, no 2 days the same, like life!! one day the sea crashing, the next a smooth waves rubbing the sand surface.. I really couldn't afford this but couldn't be trapped in the house, where my ex-husband lives now, once ours. I prepared for the last show of this trip, Art Deco, the hoped that this would be the money maker of the trip and why I stayed on an extra week. I would have never done so had the potential, and past exhibits there not been so great. I was so looking forward to this last show, for so many reasons, more friends to visit with, share the last of the trip with, cultivate newer relationships, which have come to be more prominent.

Art Deco, like so many other shows has slipped into oblivion, this sucks, I had the time of my life, my friends the royal family turned out to have a space right next to mine, I was not expecting that, but god does work in mysterious ways, and i'm not going to question why it was so, but that in being so, meant to be.. If I laughed once, I must of laughed a million times as we shared our thoughts and observations, Marcy had me in stitches, when she came over and announced that the fashion police needed to be called in immediately, and that fines starting at $40, needed to be issued!! had it been that we were all busier I assure u we would have not noticed all this, but as we were not, had plenty of time to laugh at the sights of out outrageously dressed men and woman.

I should tell u, friday night when I wrapped up the booth, had booked a hotel 4 miles away, who knew this would be like so incredibly far, and as i drove there, kept saying to myself, self, this is not what I had in mind, by the time I got to this motel, it was in north beach, far from everything, in the dark, as I walked in, to check in, this huge Argentinian young man, said well this might be better than u think, you have the pent house room, on the forth floor over looking the ocean, oh wow, just great, went back out to get my luggage and my bag, and the computer, ugg all heavy, wouldn't it be nice to have a man about now!!

So I get to the elevator and discover a sign on the door that says!!!! ..... temporarily OUT OF ORDER, well being as i'm am only there temporarily, that was no good and up I drag all this heavy stuff up the four flights of stairs, by the time I got up and went into the room I was sure this is not where I was to be.. got on line called, and heard my voice say, in nearly tears, " PLEASE DONT MAKE ME STAY HERE!!!" oh god, before u know it they rebooked me a room in the Starlite hotel, right on south beach, a half a block from my booth, and back I drove to the deco drive!! I found the, the parking space, and brought my things up stairs to a divine room, and went down stairs, befriended the bartender and bought myself a ridiculously expensive rum and coke, had to admit though it was the best i'd ever had..when I went to my room I couldn't turn my brain off, for all the things, swirling through, personal, business... and how I should proceed with all these things.. it was 3am before I forced my brain into sleep. and up i was, the next day to the lovely blue skies of miami, and south beach, still a happening place. with people from all the nation gathering there for various reasons.

Mine was to sell Up Your Ear Earrings, and that fell short of my hopes, and as it turned out the sleazy competition, I had battled the years, and the month there, turned out to be there, and I didn't find out till sunday night. having seen at least 50 pairs of their earrings, on others that was not good.. and my expensive space would become unpaid beloved partner, would know this, and because of him, open to these others, for his connection to them, relatives, would be shorted income also, and as though this were all on me, was disappointed when I called him on it. and after a weekend of bragging on him, left me heart broken. again. My only alternative, like in the past is to move in a new direction, selling in this fashion is over folks, and now is the time to try new things, don't change what u r doing, just how u r doing it. we are not in the position to change our product line, but how we sell, or where. so that is what i am doing, and as one door closes so do the opportunities to bigger and better avenues, arise. and I am sure my ideas are the best yet. I know now where I am going and what I am doing, to some degree. still looking for financial backing so if their are any readers out their willing to take a risk, as I do daily let me know!!

Like business, love and life, everything is a risk, one never knows, what the out come will be, but one steps into things, and we never know what will happen, we can think, with some assurance that we know, but we don't. But the gamble has a lot better odds than vegas. so lets roll the dice on ourselves.. and leave the universe to guide us.. one day at a time.


my crew, at last together again.. in L.A.

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