Monday, 24 January 2011

Sam, I Am . . .

i wanted to share with you a little something, a tid bit of what happens, when u travel, be it from ur house to the grocery store or across the nation, be it by foot, by car, by motor home, plain or train, something happens, when ur ears are like antenias ready to recieve.

I found that to be true when we were on our flight back from florida, i hadn't any expectations, as it turned out, as always a most enlightening trip, one of the most profound.. ah i light the forbidden, tobacco, as i write, so now i swear, and i smoke, lets just judge me.. i think i'll just enjoy it, fuck it!! what the hell.. oh too funny.. what ever..

so back to the trip, lets start with, at the gate, after an unexpected delay with my carry on, to the flight,checking to see if i was carrying explosives, seriously, i got to the gate a little close to close, and they wouldnt let me bring my reserved bag aboard, i was "either the bag and i board together or i'm not boarding. while the crew stands guard, my carry on.. i was then informed i was forgoing our seats, and could take another flight, the following day.. i said in no uncertain terms, i will not be spending another dime, on the side lines a woman standing not far from madeline says, she can sue the airlines if she paid for the bag.. next thing u know there is the supervisor, and there's a space for my bag, we board, my confused crew and i sit and take off that fast..

and off to atlanta.. where the lay over is so long one might smoke a half a pack in boredom, as well as the fear of a five hour flight without a smoke.. what a dilemma. an insidious addiction, that those not in the club, past or present, could not understand..

So Journes, the only place to smoke, grab a bite, and a beer, concord D .. for those that need to know.. we the crew and i go, a snack, and time to kill.. a view of the airplanes, and a table to sit at.. and people to meet. and so walked in Sam, east indian, i looked up and to myself i said wow, who is he, and before i knew it we were in conversation. where are u coming from, and where are u going, and why, what do u do? Sam, as we chatted, we invited him to sit.. traveling with a soft ware co. on his way from chicago to new jersey.. before u know it i was in deep conversation with Sam, as he introduced himself to the crew, and to Andres, Sam I am.. 40,married, and a not a parent. Sam i am.. hum..

My conversation with a perfect stranger, became the culmination of my entire trip..everything that i had focused on, with 100% attention i brought up, from business, financial, to incorporate, and what was my best option, to my personal life, there wasn't a thing he said not to go for, that we are not promised tomorrow, that we should do today, and not put off till tomorrow.. thats a big message to one who preaches that..

he explained some things to me, about the spiritual, that we acquire good deeds, conversations, with "god", what ever it is u believe, and as u communicate frequently with the universe, u stock up good, and evidently i have stocked up a lot of good, and i wont be over drawn in that account!! but i will be mindful, and frugal in this i spend. there is nothing more valuable than your reputation, once lost you lose everything, paraphrased Ben Franklin..

so with that said, i carry on.. with the best of intentions, do right when all possible, and mean well.. and to strive in that direction always..


Andrea and crew

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